Friday, 27 November 2009

Brown Paper Rack

This one is almost done too, I need to add a sequencer, a phaser and maybe a couple of Fonitronik VC Panners in the top row, and calibrate all the SN Voice modules to 1v/octave (there are 5 of these in this rack and one in the blue rack) I've only finished one of the Krautrock Phasers here (out of three I'm putting in it), and may change the panels for these, ADD strikes again! The SNVoices sound pretty cool alongside their dedicated LPGs...

Blue Rack

Almost there - I'm not sure about having the PolyDAC at the top middle, so might replace it with another patch panel and stick it in a 4U rack I'm building. Most things are finished, just a bit of troubleshooting and calibration really... I ended up making more modules than I thought I would with this colour scheme, so I'll have to build a three row add-on rack to sit on top...

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

LPG again...

I went for the brown paper (I have a fascination for it I suppose), at least for one rack. Here are 8 Buchla LPG clones awaiting a PSU... ... and a view also of the back, showing stand-0ffs and wiring etc... wowee!

... and a close-up of the printed graphics... I really like the MDF, it means I can make a panel in minutes, just cut the wood to size, attach drill template using double sided film, drill, sand, attach panel graphics using same film... done... If I don't like the design... do it again!


Part of my euro system, I'm wondering whether to phase out this stuff, as it's such a fiddle to make (128.5mm anyone?)

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Buchla 281 Connections Part 1

Errrr... A photo of the connections between the Rev2 281 clone PCB's... I was a little confused about how the A and B boards got connected - even after reading Topps documentation - so here is the first picture of some wires...


This is a (terrible) photo of the set up for a gig I did recently with QuestionMarc at the Roundhouse. You can see the turquoise rack in the gloom, alongside several sequencer boxes and the old/prototype modular cases to the left. I think it went well, and was fun, patching live is a bit scary - as is tuning oscillators 'in the mix' with no monitors!
I was a little concerned about the raw sine output from the Mankato - it can blow speakers easily if left unattended... Or maybe I mean if used carelessly

Buchla 292c LoPass Gate

Toying with a new style for front panels. I think I prefer the dark brown - it might look nice with cream Davies knobs... LoPass Gates obviously sound better in the presence of a small jelly...