Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Saturday, 4 December 2010

To Be Destroyed

Recent live performance at the old FA headquarters on Soho Square... 3 hours of horrible noise, funny films and 1664... There were no patch cables left at the end, not sure if that means it was a success or not? Was surprised to meet a chap who was super-impressed with the setup - "wow, what's that!"..."what does it do?"..."you mean that makes sound!" etc - only to find he had an ARP 2600 and an EMS VCS3... Maybe he was taking the piss!

A new box

Covered in bookcloth, portable-ish...

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

281 Interboard Power

Again, A board is top board, B is bottom....

281 PEAK circuit board wiring diagram

Interboard wiring part 1 for Topps 281 clone. Click on pic for large one. This is the PEAK circuit, I built it on the A board, so I omitted the bits shown in red on board B (the bottom board) I also put all inputs to the PEAK circuit through pots, but you can ignore this if you like... All diodes are 1N4148... Where it says "All these PEAK inputs meet here..." it refers to the dot to the left of the text where the blue lines meet...

You can ignore the pots if you wish, but not the diodes...

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Sequential Switch

Spot the two obvious mistakes....

Monday, 27 September 2010

Case Study

A case in the process of construction. I still need to cover it (probably with Buckram) and attach latches or catches to the lid. Simple and easy. Cost next to nothing, apart from the PSU and bus boards. Also need to finish bananananananafying some of the modules...

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Bindubba 5

Panel idea for Bindubba5 sequencer by AndrewF, check it out...


Monday, 20 September 2010


Obviously that should read......dual........

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

A Picture

I happen to like...

Monday, 13 September 2010


Nice idea, but too big.... Changed for the better...

Saturday, 11 September 2010

CGS Programmer

Another rough idea, this time the CGS Programmer. This is 3U, meaning I'll have to re-etch all the 'A' boards to get it to fit without having a proper rats nest behind the panel. I haven't done a proto yet to check it all out as I may go with panel-mount trimmers instead. My reckoning is that for live use I won't be tweaking the knobs, just have preset note sequences saved to play with the band...

Buchla 208 Pre-Amp/Envelope Detector

Rough idea for a 6HP module. This is the Pre-Amp and Envelope Detector from the Buchla Music Easel. Not sure if it will have the threshold level yet, and may add a GND socket rather than a banana input to the pre-amp as this would make it a useful interface...

Sunday, 22 August 2010

4th Living VCO

The fourth (and last) of my JH Living VCO's mid-construction. You can see how the board is mounted before I add the other board with waveshapers etc... Fascinating stuff!

CGS Digital Noise

Not quite finished yet (need a 4006). I'm hoping to buffer the internal VCO and bring it out, I also added a few mods suggested from on e-m (I think Luka and Dave Kendall)

SN Voice

Whilst I was at it, I thought I'd start repanelling my 6 SN Voice modules to 'fit in'. Slightly smaller, and now Euro format (15V though)... 5 more to go!


Made the CGS 39 Quad Logic Gate as a quad XOR. Mainly to use with the Doepfer 149/2 and Slope Detectors...

More acid on a modular

Zombienator by thebadproducer

More acid...

CGS Slope Detector

Finished these too. I used a 220N cap for the range switch, haven't really explored what that does yet as I've only just put them in the box...

Thomas Henry / Fonitronik Super Controller

Put one of my Super Controllers behind a new panel (one more to do) slightly better ergonomics to my mind... Great, fun module...

Krautrock Phasers

Finally finished all three JH Krautrock Phasers to my satisfaction... In the end I just added external CV control for amount, with switch to select internal/external control and a pot to adjust CV input...

Another Sequencer

Another CGS gate sequencer, this time with an 8 throw switch on each step, so pulse output can be patched back in and sent to a choice of destinations, I use it for controlling my CTM module/sampler. I added pulse out/in so pulse can be sent out for delay or width modification before going back into the switch...

Quite a bit of wiring...

EH Memory Man mods

Here is a picture of an Electro Harmonix Memory Man that I modified recently for Alex from The Cyclones -great band, check them out here: http://www.myspace.com/ourcyclones and here: http://cyclonesband.blogspot.com/

I added a foot pedal to control delay time and I added a switch to select use with or without the pedal. Great fun, and easier than I thought...

Thursday, 19 August 2010


this is the bench, picture taken by http://www.letthemeatcoal.com/ check it out, great photography...

Monday, 2 August 2010


Been a bit slack recently, but here is a nice picture of the Glastonbury dawn...

...well it might be sunset, anyway... I should be a bit more active soon...

Friday, 7 May 2010

Saturday, 24 April 2010

more new modules...

Krautrock Phaser, Dual VCS, Dual Solina Chorus, Living VCO...

Thursday, 22 April 2010

electrical presentation 1

Krautrock Phaser Drone by popcorn naked pee

Tau Phaser Drone by popcorn naked pee

Tau Phaser Bass by popcorn naked pee

A trio of demos of the JHaible Schulte Compact A Phaser, Tau Phaser and Living VCO's.

They're quite boring, just to give an idea of possible sounds, simply modded by a sine LFO. The two drones are the six sawtooth outputs from two Living VCO's, the Tau bass is an M15...

a new style

A great new style for spring, a paper fronted system, nice tasteful shades, beginning with a green Dual VCS...

Monday, 12 April 2010


Guilty by thebadproducer

LoudestWarning made a sample mangler looping sound thing for thebadproducer, great sounds!

pics may appear soon!

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Rotator synth...

The synth used for the Rotator installation piece...


Saturday, 27 March 2010

Solina Hi-Fi : Rotator

Rotator is a sound installation. 16 speakers hung at ear height, 16 discrete inputs.

The force of the sound in the centre is fairly intense, pressure waves from 360 degrees. Using a modular synth with 16 oscillators under voltage control combined with 16 voltage controlled amplifiers enables sound to be rotated in both directions simultaneously. Indeed each speaker can be addressed directly under voltage control. The source for this particular installation was a complex frequency modulated drone, slowly evolving into a rotating Risset tone.

In future we hope to use this system to create a more fractured acoustic space.

For more information: loudestwarning (at) gmail (dot) com

Friday, 26 March 2010

Solina Hi-Fi in performance tonight...

Should be interesting, live hexadecimal sound setup - forget quadrophonic! - all sounds produced on analogue modular synth... acoustic illusion...

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Monday, 22 March 2010

Solina Hi-Fi!

Oh Yeah Yeah (live recording) by Solina Hi/Fi

LoudestWarning makes synths for Solina Hi-Fi! Great track featuring Solina Chorus, Krautrock Phaser, and lots more...

Check out their myspace:


Thursday, 18 March 2010

Lopass Gates

Getting there...

Finally putting these behind their proper panels. 8 LPG's with Fonitronik Electronic Mode Control...

Monday, 15 March 2010

Friday, 12 March 2010

CGS Sequential Switch

Version 1 panel design for the CGS Sequential Switch in Bananafrac. I added a CV channel for a combined 8-step CV sequencer, each CV stage can also be selected as the input for the Sequential Switch with a toggle (idea stolen from Tragedybysyntax - thanks!). I also added a seperate pulse/gate channel (based on the CGS07 Gate Sequencer), a manual reset and a step button.